Firstly, I was (and am) still kinda sick and secondly, I've just started on In America and didn't want to stop watching. Sitting back on the armchair with closed curtains and a movie playing on the projector screen would be the best it can ever get for a home theatre effect.
Needless to say, In America was simply a great film. What's all the fuss about this movie, you ask? I watched most of it on my brother's tiny monitor back in primary 5 and it became one of my favourite movies of all time even though I was still too young to understand some parts back then.

I quote from wikipedia a quote from Steve Parsall, "This is a tearjerker for all the right reasons. Because it's delicately manipulative and the characters are so precisely emotional. And because Sheridan's manner with the material makes crying seem like a cleansing, an affirmation that something so simple and sweet can still move us . . . I loved this unassuming, heartfelt little gem, even if I couldn't stop sobbing for an hour after the show. It's just so beautiful."
My sentiments, exactly. I'd have to disagree with the "couldn't stop sobbing for an hour after the show" part though, because it surprisingly didn't make me cry as much as I thought I would. That itself is the beauty of them film, it does not have any particularly striking storyline, but its direction for a simple and heartfelt story is enough to help you understand many things in life.
For me, I never truly realised the seriousness of the death of a loved one until I watched it. I also learnt that we should always look forward to the greater things in life instead of wallowing in self-pity over a loss.
The film was a tribute to the director's (Jim Sheridan) brother, Frankie Sheridan, who had died when he was 10. Most of it takes place in Hell's kitchen, Manhattan and is about an Irish family which moved to America to forget the death of Frankie, their son (and brother in the 2 sister's case). It tells us about the life and troubles of penniless immigrants and the pain of the loss of a family member.
What deeply moved me was when this violent drug addict, Mateo, softened up to the girls, christy and ariel (the girls telling the story), after they banged on his door during halloween and spoke to him just like a friend. Later in the movie, before he died, he paid for all the hospital bills for the mom's hospital stay before giving birth.
I also cried when the premature baby first moved it limbs and stopped crying after the mom held out her finger for him.
There was also a part where dad was playing this hide and seek game with the kids when the mom asked, "You never looked for me, have you?"
and then he replied, "I wasn't looking for you, because I know I can always find you wherever you are."
No wonder its got itself 3 Oscar nominations, another 18 wins & 33 nominations. Also, I seem to have this really soft spot for bad guys who become more gentle (or become human) after being touched or loved by a particular person. Watch sora kara and you'll understand O: (Sora kara soundtrack is awesome, btw)
There's one word to describe this movie: beautiful.
and there's one comment from me: just watch it, you'll never regret it. Download it, torrent it, watch it online..I can lend you the disc if you want.
Desperado by The eagles. This song appeared in the movie when Christy was singing it.
...I just wrote alot of stuff when I told myself not to -__- Hope I didn't spoil it. I think I need some grammar classes. BECAUSE I THINK MY GRAMMAR SUCKS. tyvm ):
The next movies I want to catch are, Artificial Intelligence (watched it more than 3 times), Taxi Driver, Pride and Prejudice, Breakfast at the Tiffany's!
Damn it, the cable's with my dad and he's not back yet. There's pictures of my stack books, the icky stuff in my liang cha (Its gross I swear), my dinner (I regret not going for the dinner tonight cause my cousin's girlfriend was there) and my...ball of phlegm. NAH I'm not gonna post that up.
My cousin's girlfriend gave me a monkey puppet and its real cute! She's very pretty, very nice and she's called windy. I like her alot (not because of the present).
The other christmas present I have is from my 2nd aunt and 6th aunt. Its a very nice bag that I've been using for a few days already (its still my christmas gift). Oh yes, my mom gave me that esprit wallet as a christmas present too but its already getting a teeny bit dirty!
My cousin hasn't recovered from her fascination of having her own handphone so she sms-es me whenever she can. I admit I don't reply immediately cause I've been watching my dramas and movies ):
I coughed out a THICK ball of phlegm (mostly blood, in fact) an hour after drinking a cup of that icky liang cha the doctor gave me today. Actually, it looks as if I just coughed out a fetus or zygote or a ball of cells. Its gross but I feel much better now :]
Lastly, I think I have the nicest relatives around. Even though I only go back once a year or two, they treat me so well, calling me ever so often when they heard I was sick. Somehow, I think i'll miss hongkong alot alot alot alot when 4th of january comes.
Dearest all, Merry christmas.
Wait, Happy Boxing day, its already 12:23 am.
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